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Attention for two young French ensembles from Lyon: Céladon led by countertenor Paulin Bündgen and Les Jardins de Courtoisie led by soprano Anne Delafosse-Quentin.

French countertenor Paulin Bündgen regularly sings with the ensembles Akadêmia, le Concert Spirituel, Doulce Mémoire, Elyma, ensemble Clément Janequin and La Fenice. In 1999 he founded his own ensemble called Céladon. French soprano Anne Delafosse-Quentin sang with Doulce Mémoire, ensemble Gilles Binchois and Discantus, and since 2004 she has her own ensemble called Les Jardins de Courtoisie. In this Entrata, a collection of their CDs; individual as well as together.
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1. Maurizio Cazzati (1620-1677).
Cantate "Absalone":
– Mortali, ò là che dite.
– Qui nel fior de suoi verd’anni.
– Infelice Absalone.
– Così và chi folle non crede.
– Sonate "La Calcagnina".
– Madrigale "Al Crocifisso".
Ensemble Céladon led by Paulin Bündgen, countertenor. With the cooperatoin of Jean Tubéry, cornetto.
(Arion ARN 68753, 2007)
2. "Del dispreggio del Mondo": Du mépris du monde (rond 1601):
Arreste, atten (Pascal de l’Estochard).
Ambition, volupté (Claude le Jeune).
Tu me seras témoin (Pascal de l’Estochard).
Le beau du monde (Pascal de l’Estochard).
Quel monstre voy-je lá (Claude le Jeune).
Ensemble led by Anne Quentin, soprano.
(Naïve E 8814, 2000)
3. Adam de la Halle (c.1237-1288).
Chanson V: "Helas! il n’est mais nus qui aint".
– Chanson XXVIII: "Glorieuse Vierge Marie".
Les Jardins de Courtoisie led by Anne Delafosse-Quentin, soprano.
(ZigZag ZZT070401, 2007)
4. John Cooper / Giovanni Coprario (c.1575-1626).
O grief.
– Fantaisie C8.
– How like a golden dream.
– O poor distracted.
– Gray’s Inn the third (lute and harp).
– While dancing rests.
– Come ashore.
Les Jardins de Courtoisie led by Anne Delafosse-Quentin, soprano. Ensemble Céladon led by Paulin Bündgen, countertenor.
(ZigZag ZZT090302, 2009)

Paulin Bündgen and Anne Delafosse-Quentin

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