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sun 14 mar 2010 15:00 hour

A new programme featuring early music! Just as thematic as the Entrata and Theme programmes, but more educational. Not only will you hear wonderful music, but you will also learn from it, which will make it a different listening experience. This first Documento is about museum instruments from the Musikinstrumenten-Museum of the Leipziger university.

In a number of halls of the museum in Leipzig, a good impression is given of western music and its instruments, from the Renaissance through the Baroque and the classical periods to 20th-century instruments. In every hall, visitors can listen to fragments by means of a surround system. Instruments will be used there that can be seen in each respective hall. Among these halls is also a ‘Bach hall’, featuring exclusively instruments that J. S. Bach himself ever used for his compositions.
In this programme a few of those sound clips will be played, along with a lot of background information on the instruments. Click here for the museum’s website.
Gottfried Reiche (1667-1734).
– Solostück für Clarintrompete (von Notenblatt des Reiche-Porträts von Elias Gottlob Haußmann).
Ute Hartwich, Clarintrompete.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).
1. Kanon zu 6 Stimmen, BWV 1076.
2. Wann kommst Du, mein Heil? BWV 140/3.
Susanne Scholz, violin/piccolo. Daniel Deuter and Tobias Sroka, violin. Jane Achtmann, Irene Klein, Renate Pank, Thomas Grosche, viola da gamba. Stefan Maass, theorbe.
3. First Brandenburg Concert:
Ensemble Leipziger Concert: Christian Binde and Jörg Schulteß, corno da caccia. Axel Andrae and Stefan Pantzier, contra fagot. Susanne Scholz, violino piccolo. Daniel Deuter and Tobias Sroka, violin. David Schicketanz, viola. Siegfried Pank, cello. Carsten Hundt, violone. Tobias Schade, harpsichord and organ.
4. Ricercare à 6 aus dem Musikalischen Opfer.
Susanne Scholz, violin. Siegfried Pank, Jane Achtmann, Irene Klein, Renate Pank, Thomas Grosche, viola da gamba. Stefan Maass, theorbe.
5. Arioso ‘Betrachte, meine Seel’ BWV 245/31.
6. Sinfonia ‘Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes’ BWV 76/8.
Carsten Hundt, violone. Anne Schumann and Hermann Schicketanz, viola d’amore. Stefan Maass, theorbe. Stefan Pantzier, contra fagot. Tobias Schade, harpsichord and organ . Wolfgang Kube, Thomas Jahn and Günther Strobelt, oboe d’amore. Jane Achtmann, viola da gamba.
7. Aria “Mein gläubiges Herze, frohlocke, sing’, scherze” BWV 68/2.
Dorothee Mields, soprano. Wolfgang Kube, hobo. Susanne Scholz, violin. Siegfried Pank, violoncello piccolo. Carsten Hundt, violone. Tobias Schade, harpsichord and organ.
From Sonata in G-Dur:
8. Adagio (BWV 1027).
9. Andante (BWV 1039).
Jane Achtmann, viola da gamba. Tobias Schade, harpsichord and organ.
Possibly supplemented with: 
From the third part of Clavier-Ubung:
10. “Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit”.
Tobias Schade, organ (the original from 1724).
Everything on the CD "Johann Sebastian Bach, Entwurff einer wohlbestallten Musik", Raum Klang RK 1011, 2000.

head viola da gamba of Edlinger, Leipziger museum

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