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Concertzender Live

November Music 2012 #1.
First of 13 episodes with live recordings of about all the concerts that took place during the November Music festival 2012. Today including concerts of Ensemble Gending with a piece by Dyane Donck and the final concert of the Prix Annelie de Man.

1. Dyane Donck. The obscure thoughts of Isabella Green (2012).
Richard van Kruysdijk, live electronics. Evelien
van den Broek, voice. Ensemble Gending.
Live recorded by Wijnand de Groot on 11
November 2011 in the Pleitzaal of the Muzerije in ’s-Hertogenbosch
Danny de Graan.
2. Antykythera. 3. Geomatric Vibrations. 4. March of the Pulsars.
Danny de Graan, electronics.
Private recording of the composer.
5. Sohrab Uduman. Breath across autumnal ground (2012)
Goska Ispording, harpsichord. Jorrit Tamminga, live electronics.
6. Chikage Imai. H into H (2012).
Misha Sporck, horn. Ere Lievonen, harpsichord.
7. Ukiko Watanabe. kAtaMari (2012).
Naomi Sato, sho. Ere Lievonen, harpsichord.
8. Panos Iliopolis. L’Amstellodamoiselle (2012).
Justine Charlet, harpsichord.
9. Roderik de Man. Le Clavecin Illuminé (2012).
Goska Isphording, harpsichord. Ensemble Insomnio led by Ulrich Pöhl.
Live recorded by Daniël van Horssen on 9 November 2012 in the Pleitzaal of the Muzerije in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

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