Radio Music essay | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Music essay

sun 11 may 2014 14:00 hour

A program of Marijke Ferguson – theme: The Devil, Heaven, the Apocalypse – a sound assembly

  • Nocturne nr.3 Fgr. ‘Les cloches de Malines’ – Francis Poulenc
            – Gabriel Tacchino, piano
  • The sound assembly:
    • litany sung by Bonifatius (about 700)
      – Studio Laren
    • parts from ‘Diepe Wildernis ‘
      – The Rosa Ensemble 
      (voice August Willemsen, music Daniel Cross) based on a novel by Joao Guimaes Rosa
    • Les cloches de Malines
    • Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum – Olivier Messiaen ( b.1908)
      – The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra directed by Bernard Haitink 
    • Les cloches de Malines 
    • Litany around 700, Bonifatius.

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