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Works by Alice Ping Yee Ho, Barbara Pentland, Chan Ra Nin, Walter Buczynski, Terry Riley & Roger Doyle.

07:00 Piano works: 1. Alice Ping Yee Ho. Garage. 2. Barbara Pentland. Small pieces for a shrinking planet. 3. Chan Ra Nin. In search of… 4. Walter Buczynski. Sonata no. 1 ‘Sounds’.
Rea Beaumont, piano.
[Srinking Planet Productions SPP 0088]
07.55 Terry Riley. Requiem for Adam.
Kronos Quartet.
[Nonesuch 79639-2]
08.35 Roger Doyle. Passades – part 2.
Realisation: Roger Doyle.
[BVHaast 0505]
09:40 Hommage à Paul Wittgenstein (3).
Giacomo Meyerbeer / Franz Liszt /
arr. voor de linker hand van Adalofo Fumagalli.  Grande Fantaisie sur Robert le Diable.
Maxime Zecchini, piano.
[Ad Vitam AV 120915]

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