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The Early Garden

sun 26 jul 2015 16:00 hour
Composers: Peirol | Perotinus

One hour of browsing through early music with an accent on masses. French music from around 1200 by Perotinus and Peirol.

Parisian Perotinus Magnus wrote the predecessor of the motet, while his contemporary Peirol d’Auvernha wrote troubadour songs.
They were both innovators. 
Perotinus Magnus (Parijs, ca. 1160 – ca. 1230)
1. Alleluia nativitas
The Hilliard Ensemble
Peirol d’Auvernha (1160-1225)
2. Quant Amors trobet partit 
3. Si be’m sui loing et entre gent estraigna
La Camera delle Lacrime conducted by Bruno Bonhoure, voice
Perotinus Magnus
4. Viderunt omnes
The Hilliard Ensemble
Peirol d’Auvernha 
5. En joi que’m demora
6. Camjat ai mon consirier
La Camera delle Lacrime conducted by Bruno Bonhoure, voice
Peirol_(1) wikipedia.jpgPerotinus Magnus
7. Beata viscera
The Hilliard Ensemble
Peirol d’Auvernha 
8. Del sieu tort farai esmenda
9. Mout m’entremis de chantar voluntiers
La Camera delle Lacrime conducted by Bruno Bonhoure, voice
Peirol d’Auvernha 
10. Per dan que d’amor mi veigna
La Camera delle Lacrime conducted by Bruno Bonhoure, voice
CD Perotin: ECM 1385, 1989
CD Peirol d’Auvernha: ZigZag Territoires ZZT 090903

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