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An educational programme featuring early music. The musical life of Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687), part 2.

In June we broadcasted two shows in Documento about the 17th century Samuel Pepys. A gentleman who found himself amid high society kept a diary and wrote all his experiences down: even his musical performances, his musical experiences. For us as later generations an ideal view on how things went at the time.
In the Netherlands we also have such a ‘uomo universalis’: Constantijn Huygens, a contemporary of Pepys. And just as Pepys, Huygens is also musically active and well educated. As far as we can ascertain they have never met each other, even though they knew a number of the same people. Huygens as a musician. That is a well known fact by now. Nonetheless it is worth the while to listen to his music again.
Today part 2 of Constantijn Huygens’ musical life.
Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687)
1. Se la doglia e’l martire
Wilke te Brummelstroete, mezzo-soprano. Siebe Henstra, harpsichord. Mike Fentross, theorbo
(NM Classics 92109)
Constantijn Huygens
2. Dilataverunt super me
3. Ab omnibus iniquitatibus
4. Sitivit anima mea
5. Quare tristis es
Anne Grimm, soprano. Peter Kooij, bass. Leo van Doeselaar, organ
(NM Classics 92109)
Pieter de Vois (ca. 1580-1654)
6. Pavane de Spanje
Erik Bosgraaf, recorder
(Brilliant Classics 94352)
Antoine Boësset (1585? -1643)
7. Ennuits, desespoirs et douleurs
Nigel Rogers, tenor. Anthony Bailes, lute
(EMI CDM 7 63070)
Giulio Caccini/’t Uitnement Kabinet
8. Amarilli mia bella
Max van Egmond, bass. Apollo Ensemble
(Studio Cor Brandenburg. SCB 95193)
Constantijn Huygens
9. Orsa bella e crudele
10. Gia ti chiesi un sospir
11. A dispetto de’ venti
Wilke te Brummelstroete, mezzo-soprano. Nico van der Meel, tenor. Siebe Henstra, harpsichord. Mike Fentross, theorbo. Mieneke van der Velden, viola da gamba
(NM Classics 92109)
Cornelis Thijmenszoon Padbrué (1592-ca. 1670)
12. Symphonia
Marijke Miessen, recorder. Bob van Asperen, harpsichord. Wouter Möller, cello
(Centrum Nederlandse Muziek BFO)
Constantijn Huygens
13. ‘tKan mijn schip niet qualic gaen
14. Hoe is ‘tbeloven
15. Graves tesmoines
16. Temer donna non dei
Harry van Berne, tenor. Jasper Schweppe, baritone. Willem Mook, lute
(Spaarne 0601, 2006)
On the painting: Constantijn Huygens and his wife Sterre (painter: Jacob van Campen)

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