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Dutch World Music

fri 4 dec 2015 20:00 hour

Episode 19: “Sloopy” Mike Gyamfi (1988).

Dutch World music! is a series about the range of music genres made in the Netherlands that we consider a part of the broad area of world music. Since the beginning of the 80s, world music is the collective term for folk music (also known as traditional music), non-Western classical music, non-Western pop music and the mixtures from that.
In this episode music from Kumbi Saleh, the LP ‘Be a Good Samaritan’ and live recordings from 1988. The band Kumbi Saleh is founded and led by “Sloop” Mike Gyamfi, a musician from Ghana has been living in the Netherlands since 1985. Sloopy began his career in Ghana as a guitarist in a high life concert band. In the Netherlands he developed activities varied from performing musician, composer and producer to talent scout and story teller. He did a CD project for Wereldkinderfestival (‘A survey from the music history from Ghana for Dutch schools’). Over the years Sloopy released various productions with African pop music, among ‘Welcome to Bright Life’, ‘Asem Kakra A Me Kae Yi’, and ‘Telephone Nkomo’. In the meantime he made cassettes and CDs for the Ghanaian market.
Playlist (56:40)s
Kumbi Saleh ‘Be A Good Samaritan’ (LP – Torso 33066, 1988)
01] Be A Good Samaritan 5:38
02] Che Che Kule 3:54
03] Eku Egbemi 6:31
04] Ke Eye Miing Aahu 4:01
05] Ohia 6:19
06] Teona 6:21
Concert recordings Kumbi Saleh from 1988
07] Amulafete 5:41
08] Danlolo 5:30
09] Ngaman foe 6:14
10] Rice water 6:08

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