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sun 30 oct 2016 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 22: A Day as a Blade of Grass


Wind and water flow through this episode. Pete Namlook reminiscences about the sky, Else Marie Pade sketches the castle of the Sea King, Yuya Ota brings silver rain and Olivier Messiaen paints a celestial banquet. At the end of this episode, the wind touches the grass, in Valiska’s 24 minute piece A Day as a Blade of Grass.


00:31 Pete Namlook – Master of the Sky
07:00 Yuya Ota – Viento / Max Eastley – Monochord
13:03 Olivier Messiaen – Le Banquet CĂ©leste
19:47 Else Marie Pade – Illustrationer: Himmelrumet
22:31 Else Marie Pade – Illustrationer: Havkongens Slot
29:00 Yuya Ota – Silver Rain
33:41 Yuya Ota – Knife
35:37 Valiska – A Day as a Blade of Grass


Silence IV, 2000, Fax +49-69/450464 PK 08/149
Arctic April Mother, 2013, eigen beheer
Organ Works Complete, 2007, Brilliant Classics 8639
Electronic Works 1958-1995, 2014, Important Records IMPREC406
A Day as a Blade of Grass, 2013, eigen beheer


Sensenta is a programme about long attention spans. Every episode slowly changes hue, and every next episode picks up where the last one left off. This a creates a musical serial, a chain of episodes, touching on different genres at it goes. You’re welcome to join in and give us your opinion. Where should this chain go next? Send us an e-mail at, or follow Sensenta at Twitter and Facebook.

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