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A musical serial. Episode 35: From Bahrain to Missa De Profunctis


We move from the pearl fishermen of Bahrain to a large electronic drone by Holger Czukay. Dick Raaijmakers’ Mao Leve! leads us gently to the age old Missa De Profunctis, or the Requiem mass. These chants formed the basis for nearly every requiem that was written in the following centuries.
00:34 Pearl Divers of Bahrain – Nahma I 1, 2 en 3 / Holger Czukay – Mirage
07:42 Holger Czukay – Mirage / Beata Viscara / Rhythm Fantasies in Adi Tala part 3 / Johannes Ockeghem – Requiem, Tractus
15:40 Holger Czukay – Mirage / Domkerk, Utrecht, 20-01-2017
21:05 Domkerk, Utrecht, 20-01-2017 / Holger Czukay – Cruise
29:38 Dick Raaijmakers – Mao Leve!
43:18 Holger Czukay – Mirage Remix
47:35 Holger Czukay – Mirage / Anoniem – Dodenmetten, 3e nocturne met lecties uit Paulus
57:21 Anoniem – Missa Pro Defunctis, Sanctus
58:04 Anoniem – Missa Pro Defunctis, Agnus Dei
58:52 Anoniem – Missa Pro Defunctis, Communio
59:38 Anoniem – Missa Pro Defunctis, Postcommunio


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