Music from the fallow grounds of indepedant and alternative blues, folk and pop labels.
Terra Incognita is a programme with varied, contemporary music by musicians, which are rarely heard on the Dutch radio.
An explorative expedition for the curious music lover with a broad interest. So, relax your Ear and discover how to Listen!
Episode 62
In today’s programme we present again fourteen songs, absolutely worth listening, by artists from various countries who publish either on their own or on a a small label.
Coincidentally, the first broadcast of this episode is on Boxing Day and we end it with a nod towards Santa Claus.
Furthermore, you can listen to Will Stratton, Orso Jesenska, SUO, Goat and Okra Playground.

Ian Anderson, leadsinger of Jethro Tull, sings ‘A Christmas Song’. It is the flipside of their first successful single from 1968.
1. Will Stratton
No Wonder, 03:56
No Wonder
Stunning Models On Display, 2014
trail 1: 05:10
2. Orso Jesenska
Le Vent, 01:48
Effacer la Mer
03H50 / Musicast, 2017
3. Wand
Scarecrow, 05:18
Drag City, 2019
4. Thomas Feiner
Casteo, 02:58
Straysound, 2019
trail 2: 15:34
5. Orions Belte
Joe Frazier, 05:39
Jansen Records, 2018
6. Eefje de Visser
Trein, 03:45
De Koek
Eefjes Platenmaatschappijtje, 2011
7. Emilie Simon
Aurora Australis, 01:18
La Marche De L’Émpereur
Bonne Pioche, 2005
8. SUO
Tanssia Tahtoisin, 04:26
Ei Päivien Perijätä
Texicalli Records Og., 2007
trail 3: 31:10
9. Goat
I Sing in Silence, 03:29
Sub Pop Records, 2016
10. Slava en Leonard Grigoryan
Prayer Flags in Bright Wind, 05:23
Songs with Strings
Hush Music Foundation, 2012
11. Okra Playground
Ilo LLolta Tuntuu, 04:19
Ääneni Yli Vesien
Nordic Notes, 2018
trail 4: 44:25
12. Alela Diane, Ryan Francesconi
Cold Moon, 04:45
Cold Moon
Believe Recordings, 2015
13. Lubomyr Melnyk
Pockets of Light -Excerpt, 05:50
Erased Tapes Collection VI
Erased Tapes Records, 2014
14. Jethro Tull 56:30
Christmas Song, 03:09
Living in the Past
Parlophone Records, 1972
Terra Incognita is being broadcasted every third and fourth Thursday of the month at 22.00. wordt elke derde en vierde donderdag van de maand uitgezonden om 22.00 uur. Woudl you like to respond? Please send an e-mail to