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sun 15 mar 2020 16:00 hour

An educational programme featuring early music.

Today, we start a new series about less-known early music composers from the Netherlands.

In this first episode you can listen to music by five Renaissance composers, like  Johannes de Lymburgia, Jacobus Barbireau and Noel Bauldeweyn.

Johannes de Lymburgia (around 1380 – 1440)
1 Gaude felix Padua
2 Recordare frater pie
Le Miroir de Musique led by Baptiste Romain
(CD: Gaude felix Padua. Ricercar RIC 402, 2019)

3 Virgo parens Christi
Jacobus Barbireau (1455 – 1491)
Uit: Missa Virgo parens Christi
4 Kyrie
5 Gloria
The Clercks’ Group olv Edward Wickham
(cd: Missa Virgo parens Christi. Universal 00743625018820 / ASV CD GAU 188, 1999)

6 Du bon du cueur a 3
Noel Bauldeweyn (ca 1480 – 1530)
Uit: Missa Du bon du cueur
7 Kyrie
8 Gloria
Capella Alamire and Alamire Consort led by Peter Urquhart
(CD: Du bon de cueur. Centaur Records CRC 3637, 2019)

Jacquet de Berchem (between around 1505–1565)
9 Sinfonia a 5
10 Le donne, i cavallier, l’arme
11 La fiamme che m’abbruscia
12 La donna sua che gli ritorn’a mente
Ensemble Daedalus led by Roberto Festa
(CD: La favola di Orlando: il primo, secondo e terzo libro de capriccio (1561). Accent ACC 10112, 2011, recorded in 1995)

Emmanuel Adriaenssen (around 1540–1604)
13 Fiammenga freda
14 Belle bergère
15 Bransle double
La Cetra d’Orfeo led by Michel Keustermans, flutes
(CD: Les musiciens du Nord: Au temps des archiducs Albert et Isabelle. Cypres Records CYP1628, 2001)


Photo: an illuminated manuscript of Barbireau’s Mass

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