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Early Delights

sun 17 may 2020 15:00 hour

A Sunday hour with early music goodies. Now that physical travel is limited, we’ll make a virtual journey through time and space.

Anonymous (France, 13th century)
1 Frese nouvelle
2 Mout me fu grief / Robin m’aime
3 Jolietement
4 J’ai un cuer
5 Li dous regars de Madame
6 Ductia
Musica Reservata olv John Beckett
(album: Medieval Music and Songs of the Troubadors. Essential Media Group 942311941, 2009, origin. 1968)

Bartolino da Padova (fl. ca 1365 – ca 1405) (Italy 14th century)
7 El no me giova
8 I bei sembianti
9 La douce çere
Ensemble Syntagma led by Alexandre Danilevski
(album: Rosa e Orticha. Carpe Diem CD 16287, 2012)

Alexander Agricola (1446 – 1506) (Flanders, 15th century)
10 In minen sin
11 Si j’aime mon amy
12 Comme femme desconfortée
13 D’ung aultre amer
14 Tout a par moy
Capilla Flamenca led by Dirk Snellings
(album: Missa in myne zyn. Ricercar RIC 306, 2010)

William Mundy (ca 1530 – before 1591) (England, 16th century)
15 Adolescentulus sum ego
16 Adhaesit pavimento
The Marian Consort & Rose Consort of Viols led by Rory McCleery
(album: Loquebantur: Music from the Baldwin partbooks. Delphian Records DCD 34160, 2016)

Anonymous (Portugal, 17th century)
17 A vosa porta Maria
18 Encontrei ontem de tarde
19 Entre os parasimos graves
20 Alborada
Mercedes Hernándes, soprano. Alice Borciani, soprano. David Sagastume, counter tenor. Daniel Issa, tenor. A Corte Musical led by Rogério Gonçalves
(album: Lisbon under ashes: Rediscovered Portuguese music. Pan Classics PC 10385, 2018)

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