The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

Music by 20th-century composers.

Inspired by music from the east.

Today in The Last Century, we will focus on several North-American composers who, especially in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, composed works that were influenced strongly by Eastern music. We will listen to Colin McPhee, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, and Alan Hovhaness. In the first work, we will hear Benjamin Britten as the performing pianist.


Colin McPhee. (image)   Balinese ceremonial music 3 parts. Colin McPhee and Benjamin Britten piano.

Colin McPhee: Nocturne for Orchestra Symphony orchestra of the Hessischer Rundfunk conducted by David van Vactor.

Lou Harrison; Suite for violin, piano, and small orchestra. Leopold Stokowski and orchestra, conducted by Leopold Stokowski.

Henry Cowell: Homage to Iran for violin, piano, and Persian drum

Leopold Avakian violin, Mitchell Andrews piano, and Basil Bahar daf (Persian drum).

Alan Hovhaness; The Holy City for trumpet, tubular, harp, and string orchestra. Elgar Howarth trumpet and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Arthur Bennet Lipkin

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