Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 1 aug 2021 11:00 hour

Early Music expert Kees Koudstaal serves up the most wonderful and recent classical and Early Music CD’s. A summer edition with attention for the CDs ‘Bach Sons’ by Concerto Corrente, ‘Romberg Violin Concertos’ by Capriccio Barockorchester and ‘Anton Schweitzer – Die Auferstehung Christi, Missa Brevis & Cantata’ by Thüringer Bach Collegium.

1. Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782)
– Sinfonia in G major. Opus 6/6
Performers: Concerto Corrente
(CD: ‘Bach Sons’, Passacaille PAS1074, 2020)

2. Andreas Romberg (1767-1821)
– Violin Concerto No. 9 in A major
Performers: Chouchane Siranossian, violin. Capriccio Barockorchester
(CD: ‘Romberg Violin Concertos’, ALPHA 452, 2021)

Anton Schweitzer (1735-1787)
3. Cantata ’Lobet, Ihr Knechte des Herren’
4. From the Missa Brevis in C major: ‘Gratias Agimus Tibi’
Performers: Mirella Hagen, soprano. Henriette Gödde, mezzo-soprano. Stephan Scherpe, tenor. Tobias Berndt, bass. Thüringer Bach Collegium conducted by Gernot Süßmuth
(CD: ‘Anton Schweitzer – Die Auferstehung Christi, Missa Brevis & Cantata’, Capriccio C5425, 2021)

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