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The Last Century

wed 27 jul 2022 19:00 hour

Music composed in France in 1922 – Milhaud and Ibert.

Today, we present another episode of The Last Century featuring music composed exactly one hundred years ago. This time, all pieces are by French composers, including Darius Milhaud’s works composed in 1922 – his opera 75 to 78.

In addition, we will hear the piano cycle Histoires, a work in ten parts by Jacques Ibert. These are impressionistic and lively short pieces, inspired by the things he saw during his travels to Spain, Italy and Tunisia.



Darius Milhaud (foto)

  1. Symphonie de chambre, nr. 5, Op. 75 ‘Dixtuor’. Luxembourg Radio Symphony Orchestra led by Darius Milhaud
  2. Sonatina for flute and piano, Op. 76. Emmanuel Pahud, flute; Eric le Sage, piano
  3. String Quartet no. 6, Op. 77. Fanny Mendelssohn Quartet
  4. Trois Rag-caprices, Op. 78 (arr.). Capella Cracoviensis led by Karl Anton Rickenbacher


Jacques Ibert

  1. Histoires (1922). Jean-Yves Sebillotte, piano


Georges Auric

  1. Sonatina for piano (1922) – part 1 and 2. Daniel Blumenthal, piano
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