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sun 14 apr 2024 14:00 hour
Composers: Ernest Walker | Hans Gál

An hour of chamber music compositions with piano for the left hand, written for Paul Wittgenstein (pictures above), by lesser known composers certainly worth a listen.

This episode of Listen will feature a selection of a Cobra double CD release that has been rewarded a ‘Luister 10’. Pianist Folke Nauta tracked down Wittgenstein’s original manuscripts in Austrian and English archives, complete with Wittgenstein’s own annotations, and reached out to clarinetist Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer and the Prisma String Trio. These five musicians undertook a bold endeavor for this intriguing project. Finally, listeners now have the opportunity to experience Paul Wittgenstein’s entire chamber music legacy.

Programme details

Ernest Walker (1870-1949) – Variations on an original theme for piano left hand, clarinet, violin, viola and cello 

Folke Nauta, piano / Lars Wouters van den Oudeweijer, clarinet / Prisma String Trio

Josef Labor (1842-1924) – Sonata no. 3 in E major for piano left hand and violin (1916)

Folke Nauta, piano / Janneke van Prooijen, violin

Hans Gál (1890-1987) – Quartet in A major for piano left hand, violin, viola and cello (1926)

Folke Nauta, piano / Prisma String Trio

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