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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 5 mar 2024 21:00 hour
Composer: Bernard Zweers

This is the second episode on composer and teacher Bernard Zweers (1854-1924). Although these days he’s often overlooked as a composer, he has played an important role in the education of many composers such as W. Landré, J. Bonset, S. Dresden, D. Ruyneman, B. van den Sigtenhorst Meyer, H. Andriessen and A. van der Horst.

1. Symphony no. 2 in E flat (1882/83),
part 1-3: Allegro vivace – Andante – Allegretto con moto.
Nederlands Radio Symfonieorkest conducted by Antoni Wit.

2. Avondlicht (1922).
Marburger Bachchor conducted by Wolfram Wehnert.

3. Cantata for children ‘Sint Nicolaasfeest’ (1890).
Lyrics: Antoon Leonard de Rop (1837-1895).
Frits Baun, baritone. Wim van Sante, bass. NCRV Kinderkoor.
Promenade Orkest conducted by Benedict Silbermann.

4. Thirds Symphony ‘Aan mijn Vaderland’ in B flat (1888/90),
part 3: ‘Aan het strand en op zee’.
Residentie orkest conducted by Hans Vonk.

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