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Concertzender Live!

sat 14 feb 2009 13:00 hour
Composer: Jochem Slothouwer

The second broadcast dedicated to the Peter de Grote Festival which was held from 2 to 8 August and had internationally renowned artists at characteristic locations in the North of the Netherlands. In the series ‘Rond Jochem Slothouwer (1938)’ you will hear a recording we made on 3 August at the Lutheran Church in Groningen, the Netherlands, with works by Slothouwer only.

You will hear Slothouwer’s sonata no. 2 for viola and piano, Canti Percossi (4mains), L’Oroyson Nostre Dame, Ritratto & Trio for violin, viola and cello.
Performing artists were: Francien Schatborn (viola), Sebastiaan Huydts, Nata Tsvereli & Paul Komen (piano), Karlijn van Baardewijk (soprano), Miriam Overlach (harp), Martina Forni (viola), Noëlle Weidmann (cello), Veselina Manikova & Frederieke Saeys (violin), Jan Ype Nota (conductor), Jana Machalett (flute), Douwe Jan van der Meulen (oboe), Miriam Overlach (harp).
Recording technique: Tom Dunnebier
Production: Rolf Buijs

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