Two concerts with early music: Codex Lerma, concert of the found manuscript and Le Jardin Secret during the Reincken Festival 2013.
A) Codex Lerma, concert of the found manuscript. The Codex Lerma, a Spanish music, which was used at the court of Don Francisco Gómez de Sandoval (1552-1625), the first duke of Lerma. The Codex contains some unique works by lemens Non Papa. The book was purchased in 1959, and has been in the library of the University of Utrecht ever since.On19 December 2014, this music was brought to live again after 400 years.
Read more about Codex Lerma here
Codex Lerma, the concert of the found manuscript.
From Codex Lerma:
1. Anónimo – Pabana francesa
2. Gregoriaans – Puer natus est
3. Jacopo Corfini (1540-1591) – Quem vidistis pastores
4. Anónimo – La Galera – [Sin titulo] – La de don Juan
5. Philippe Verdelot (1480-voor 1552) – Ultimi miei sospiri
6. Anónimo – La Ytaliana – Tanque – Mimireut
7. Alessandro Striggio (1536-1592) – Là ver l’aurora che sì dolce l’aura
8. Anónimo – [Sin titulo]
9. Christóbal de Morales (c.1490-1553) – [Sin titulo]
10. Gregoriaans – Salve Regina
11. Cipriano de Rore (1515-1565) – Anchor che col partire
12. Anónimo – La de las damas
13. Clemens non Papa (1510-1556) – Lutens – Justempus
14. Anónimo – La de las medias
15. Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599) – Niño Dios
16. Philippe Verdelot (1480-1552) – Beata es Virgo Maria
Capella Sancta Maria olv. Enrique López-Cortón en La Caravaggia
Recording: 19 December 2014, Pieterskerk Utrecht
B) In Splendid disgrace; Music of consolation and solace for exiled kings
Le Jardin Secret tijdens het Reincken Festival 2013
17. Robert de Visée (c.1655-1732)
– Prélude in c voor theorbe solo
18. Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
– Plainte d’Atys voor theorbe solo
19. Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1634-1704)
– Eram quasi angus innocens H112
20. Alessandro Piccinini (1550-1638)
– Toccata in a voor theorbe solo
21. Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674)
– Il lamento in morte di Maria Stuarda
22. Anthony Poole (c.1629-1692)
– Divisions in C voor gamba soloInnocenzo Fede (1661-1732)
23. Ardo, sospiro
24. Belezze, voi siete
Robert de Visée
25. Prélude en Allemande
26. Marc-Antoine Charpentier
– Sans Frayeurs
Le Jardin Secret: Elizabeth Dobbin, sopraan. Sofie Vanden Eynde, theorbe. Nicholas Milne, viola da gamba
opname: 10 mei 2013, Synagoge Deventer
27. Anònim (uit Cançoner de Barcelona) – Gentil caballero
28. Mateo Flecha (16e eeuw) – Què farem del pobre Joan!
29. Bartomeu Cárceres (fl. midden 16e eeuw) – Soleta so yo açi
Anònim (16e eeuw)
30. Rey a quiem Reyes
31. No soy yo quien veis vivir
32. Mateo Flecha – Bella, de vós som amorós
33. Juan Illario (15e eeuw) – O admirabile comercium
34. Juan del Encina (1468-1529) – Ya soi desposado
35. Diego Fernández (-1551) – De ser mal casada
36. Gabriel Mena (-1528) – De la dulce mi enemiga
37. Anònim – Paxarico que vas a la fuente
38. Pere Oriola (fl. 1440-1484) – O vos homines qui transite in pena
39. Anònim (15e eeuw) – La Spagna
40. Pere Escobar (c.1465-na 1535) – Las mis penas, madre
La Caravaggia olv. Lluís Coll i Trulls, cornetto
(MEPCD-002, 2010)
Juan del Encina
41. Pues que tu, Reyna del çielo
Gabriel Mena
42. A la caça, sus a caça
La Caravaggia led by Lluís Coll i Trulls, cornetto
At picture above: pages from Codex Lerma
At the picture in the middle: Capella Sancta Maria during the concert in the Pieterskerk in Utrecht (Photo: Juan Sebastián)
At the picture right: Elizabeth Dobbin and Sofie Vanden Eynde