Recordings of concerts in the Netherlands, made by the Concertzender. Recordings of Early Music concerts: recordings made at the Utrecht Early Music Festival 2014 of concerts by Servir Antico, Duo Frey & La Rotta and Ensemble des Rencontres Baroques de Montfrin.
A) A Dynastie of Founders; music around the early Habsburg women
Anonymous (late 14th century, early 15th century)
1. Virgo, mater, consolatrix
2. Hertz und sinne muege dich – Ein lied von unser frowen
3. Qui latuit in virgine
4. Kyrie magne Deus potencie
Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474)
5. Mille bonjours / Imperatrix caelestis militiae
6. Conditor alme siderum
Hermann Edlerawer (ca.1395-ca.1460)
7. Verbum bonum et suave
Anonymous (early 15th century)
8. Christus rex pacificus / Jour a jour la vie
Wolfgang Chranekker (fl. 1440)
9. Sancta Katerina scola plaudat virginalis
Anonymous (late 14th century, early 15th century)
10. Katarina Costi regis filia
Johannes de Sarto (fl. ca.1430-1440)
11. Romanorum rex inclite, Alberte
Ensemble Servir Antico conducted by Catalina Vicens, organetto, percussion. Els Janssens-Vanmunster, soprano. Baptiste Romain, vielle. Felix Striker, trombone
recorded: 3 september 2014, St. Willibrordkerk Utrecht
technics: Frans de Wolff / production: Wijnand de GrootB) Fabulous Fringe: The project Violoncello piccolo, Milan and Naples
Angelo Maria Fiorè (1660-1723)
12. Trattinimento no. 11
– Largo – Allegro – Allegro
13. Sonata
– Grave/Allegro/Adagio/Allegro – Adagio – Presto
Francesco Paolo Supriani (1678-1753)
14. Toccata no. 10
Angelo Maria Fiorè
15. Trattinimento no. 12
– Adagio – Largo – Andante – Presto
Jean-Baptiste Barrière (1707-147)
16. Sonata no. 6 in C major
– Allegro – Largo – Allegro
Duo Frey & La Rotta: Elinor Frey, cello (left on the picture) and Esteban La Rotta, theorbo
recorded: 4 september 2014, TivoliVredenburg, Large Hall
technics and production: Wijnand de Groot
C) Fabulous Fringe: The Temple and the Desire: Music from Rome from around 1600
Giovanni Giovenale Ancina (1545-1604)
17. Gli Ardenti miei desiri
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
18. Recercar con Obligo di Cantare
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)/G. B. Bovicelli (ca.1550-1594)
19. Motet: Vadam et circuibo civitatem
G. Frescobaldi
20. Canzon Prima a basso solo
Giovanni Giovenale Ancina
21. Gradisci il nuovo tempio
Giovanni Francesco Anerio (ca.1567-1630)
22. Acerbe doglie e voi, piaghe amorose
Johann Hieronymus Kapsberger (ca.1580-1651)
23. Passacaglia
Luca Marenzio (1553/54-1599)/G. Bassano (1561/62-1617)
24. Tirsi morir volea
Ensemble des Rencontres Baroques de Montfrin conducted by Andrés Locatelli
recorded:2 september 2014, TivoliVredenburg, Large Hall
technics and production:Wijnand de Groot