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Concertzender Live

Concerts from around the country, recorded by De Concertzender

Today works by: Henriëtte Bosmans, Jacob ter Veldhuis, Miranda Driessen and Wilma Pistorius.

1. Miranda Driessen – Koerikoeloem
Musicians led by Miranda Driessen, sho, recorders and vocals.

Recording: 18-10-2019; Pieterskerk, Utrecht;
Recording technique: Wijnand de Groot

2. Wilma Pistorius – Jitterburg Quartet (2018)

3. Henriëtte Bosmans – String Quartet (1927)

4. Henriëtte Bosmans – String Quartet no. 2 (1925):

Charlotte Basalo Vazquez: violin
Julia Kleinsmann, violin
Lisa Eggen, viola
Emma Kroon, cello

Recording 12-8-2019; Resitance museum Amsterdam;
Recording technique: Dirk Winkel

5. Jacob ter Veldhuis – Serendipity (2015)

6. Improvisation

Emmy Storms: violin
Lenneke van Staalen: Indian violin
Heiko Dijker: tabla
Cynthia Liem: piano

Recording: 12-8-2019; Winter Garden, Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam
Recording technique: Dirk Winkel

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