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Concertzender Live

“Come let’s fall in love again, let’s turn all the dirt in this world to shiny gold.” – Rumi.

East and west, Hildegard von Bingen and Jalal ad-Din Rumi enrich each other in Alexandre Traube’s Heavenly Symphony.

  1. Symphonie Céleste


Hildegard and Rumi… Two beacons on a journey to knowledge, beauty and spirituality. Two geniuses, one from the West, one from the East. The creation by Swiss composer Alexandre Traube and Sufi singer Taghi Akhbari brings together two worlds that are quite congruent and coherent, deeply rooted in the culture and religion of their respective times—the 12th-century Christian era and the subsequent Islamic century. First, there’s Hildegard von Bingen, an abbess, mystic, poet, composer, theologian, preacher, herbalist, nutritionist, physician, and philosopher. She preached in public squares, corresponded with popes and emperors—whom she often encouraged and criticised. She even created a secret language and alphabet designed to better express the divine.

Then there’s Jalal ad-Din Rumi, a poet and mystical thinker, the author of countless Persian verses forged in the fire of divine love. The renowned theologian swaps the mosque for the tavern, herbal tea for wine, and calls out: ‘Come, come, whoever you are, come, infidel, idolator, wanderer, fire-worshipper, it doesn’t matter, come.’ Centuries before quantum physics, he spoke of the dynamic dance of the seven atoms.

Hildegard von Bingen composed one of the most significant musical works from the Middle Ages, the Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations—music that’s intertwined with many of her own poems, often called Symphoniae. We can think of Hildegard as a saintly trouvère.

Rumi, on the other hand, did not compose written music. For him, music held an initiatory and mystical role. Knowledge, along with the art of singing, is passed down from master to disciple, and has been for centuries, continuing to this day. The Sufi singer we hear in the Symphonie céleste, Taghi Akhbari, is a contemporary keeper of this tradition. The singer is free to choose the mode and how the text inspires him.


Flores harmonici”, or harmonious flowers, was the term used in the 13th century to refer to the embellishments that make medieval songs blossom. Today, it’s also the name of the Swiss (Neuchâtel) ensemble under the direction of Alexandre Traube. The repertoire of vocal ensemble Flores harmonici is rooted in European singing traditions from the first millennium and later, focusing on ancient polyphonies. The ensemble creates unique programs, often featuring modern premieres of historical works, using both rigorous philological research and creativity to cross boundaries between genres and eras.


  1. Salzinnes Saints


On February 4th of this year, women’s choir Psallentes, which specializes in early music and is led by Hendrik Vanden Abeele, performed at the St. Joseph Church in the heart of Namur, the capital of Wallonia, Belgium. They presented a composition they had commissioned from American-Canadian composer Linda Catlin Smith—a true gem. The piece is inspired by the Salzinnes Antiphonal, an illuminated choir book from the Cistercian Abbey of Salzinnes on the outskirts of Namur, in present-day Belgium. The choir book was created in 1555.


  1. Cantata Domino


We finish this episode of Concertzender Live featuring early music with Cantata ‘Cantata Domino’ by Dietrich Buxtehude performed by Paul De Maeyer, organ and Renate Weytjens, Hanne Hautekiet, Erik Van Nevel vocals. They performed on 2 June 2023, at the Saint Martin Church in Sint-Martens-Bodegem, Belgium.




  1. Symphonie Céleste


Verset d’entrée psaume

Antienne O splendidissima gemma (début)

Psaume 109 Dixit Dominus

Reprise O splendidissima gemma

Mathnawi, livre 6, Comment le roi

Antienne Karitas habundat

Psaume 112 Laudate pueri Dominum

Diwan-e Shams e Tâbrîzî 583, L’océan sans bords

Reprise Karitas habundat ·

Antienne Nunc aperuit

Début du psaume 121 Lætatus sum

Diwan-e Shams e Tâbrîzî 464, L’union

Reprise Nunc aperuit

Antienne O orzchis ecclesia (début)


Hymne : séquence O virga ac diadema

Diwan-e Shams e Tâbrîzî 442, L’idole


Antienne à Magnificat O tu illustrata

Hildegard von Bingen and Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Flores Harmonici with Taghi Akhbari, Carolina Acuña and Estelle Nadeau, vocals, and Alexandre Traube, organetto.


  1. Salzinnes Saints

Linda Catlin Smith

Psallentes under the direction of Hendrik Vanden Abeele, with Amélie Renglet, Sarah Abrams, Veerle Van Roosbroeck, Lisa De Rijcke, Elisabeth Colson, Kerlijne Van Nevel and Barbara Somers.

Goeyvaerts String Trio with Fedra Coppens (violin), Vincent Hepp (viola) and Pieter Stas (cello).

  1. Cantata Domino

Dietrich Buxtehude

Paul De Maeyer, organ and Renate Weytjens, Hanne Hautekiet, Erik Van Nevel, vocals.

Pictured above: Alexandre Traube

Recording, compilation and presentation: Leo August De Bock



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