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Contemporary Music

In this episode you can listen to music by Iranian composer Aftab Darvishi.

She was born in 1987 in Tehran and started with violin lessons at the age of five. Later, she also started following kamancheh and piano lessons. During her studies at the University of Tehran, she collaborated with many artists from other disciplines, mainly from theatre and film. In 2010, she moved to Amsterdam to study Composition for film under Jurre Haanstra and others. In her music she tries to combine unusual combinations of different musical cultures. At the moment, she lives and works in The Hague, where she also studies Composition at the Royal Conservatory under Martijn Padding and Yannis Kyriakides. She does this in combination with a study Carnatic music under Rafael Reina in Amsterdam.

1.  Aftab Darvishi.  I dreamed of a golden fish.
Royal Ensemble, Eniko Gosi, stem conducted by Frank Zielhorst
2.  Martijn Padding.  White eagle.
Asko/Schönberg conducted by Etienne Siebens. Heleen van Hulst, violin.
3.  Aftab Darvishi. We are all women applicants.
Anna Britala and Chloe Chabanole, violin, vocals and heels.
4.  Mohammad Reza Darvishi. Music from Blackboards.
5.  Mohammad Reza Darvishi. Music from 11 September.
6.  Aftab Darvishi. Your name in my hand, running like wind.
Andrea Voets, harp. Marlies van Gangelen, oboe and Paha Karami, tonbak.
7.  Aftab Darvishi. Firouzeh.
Estefania Sanchez Rebolido and Antonio Carrasco Alvarez, piano
8.  Yu Oda. Everybody’s brainwashed.
Jellantsje de Vries, violin. Ryoko Imai, cajón. Yu Oda, DJ. Daniel Moreira, Takamasa Aoki and Terestaten, sound material.
9.  Aftab Darvishi.  “It’s going away…away…there..where?”
Orchestra De Ereprijs conducted by Rob Vermeulen in collaboration with Pauline Doolaard, Christina Sophie Schönbach.

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