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fri 9 may 2014 17:00 hour

A little jewel today: the album Maria Farantouri & Zülfü Livaneli ensemble.

The choice of which album to play in Disc-Cover can sometimes be a coincidence. Sometimes, this coincidence is that the choice you’ve just made suddenly becomes a topic of the day. At the start of last month, Zülfü Livaneli’s management announced that this Turkish singer, musician and composer will get up onto a podium one last time for an extensive tour. After that, you will have to get by with Livaneli’s records, books and films.
But in a month in which we remember that intolerance leads to inhuman cruelties, a Livaneli album is just as fitting. And then we are talking about his collaboration project with Greek singer Maria Farantouri. The album was received with much sensation in Turkey and Greece at the time. It was recorded in the early eighties of the previous century, when the political relations between Greece and Turkey were not exactly very positive to say the least. But the people and the music enthusiasts could appreciate it all the same. The album received multiple awards internationally. Not only in a musical way, but also a political and humane way did it bring two cultures, that have been intertwined so close already, back together.
Later, Livaneli wrote poems, novels, film music and he was a member of parliament for the social democrats. Maria Farantouri gained fame as the voice that expressed the songs composed by Mikis Theodorakis. But she too was an activist, a great singer, without Theodorakis’ songs. To fill the time we include a number of tracks from her album Ligo Akoma, with characteristic songs by Theodorakis. 

  1. Maria Farantouri – Tou mikrou voria (Dem kleinen Nordwind) (Odysseus Elytis, Mikis Theodorakis)
    Ligo Akoma – Pläne 88224
  2. Maria Farantouri – Ligo Akoma (Nicht mehr lange) (George Seferis, Mikis Theodorakis)
    Ligo Akoma – Pläne 88224
  3. Leilim lei
  4. Miroloi
  5. Karli kayn ormani
  6. Oparaghos
  7. Me fitepsane
  8. Merhaba ghiacara
  9. San to metanasti
  10. Hiroshima
  11. Mila saga
  12. Bulut mu olsam
  13. I meres mas
  14. San to kerem
  15. To kopadi
  16. Maria Farantouri – Antonio el camporio (Federico García Lorca, Mikis Theodorakis)
    Ligo Akoma – Pläne 88224
  17. Maria Farantouri – Sfhagio (Das Schlachthaus) (Mikis Theodorakis)
    Ligo Akoma – Pläne 88224

Tracks 3-15: Maria Farantouri & Zülfü Livaneli ensemble – Pläne 88332
Muziek : Zülfü Livaneli, teksten : Lefteris Papadopoulos. Track 5, 10, 12, 14 tekst : Nazim Hikmet.

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