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An educational programme featuring early music. Music at Christmas time: Advent.

In a series of episodes of Documento you can listen to Christmas music.
We will globally follow the Christmas story as it is written in the Bible. Today our programme covers the preparation of Christmas and the events of Christmas Eve. 
1. Anonymous (13th century)
– Ave Maria
Vox Nostra 
(K&K Verlagsanstalt KuK108, 2013)
2. Cristóbal de Morales (around 1500 – 1553)
– Ecce virgo concipiet
Bremen Weser-Renaissance under the direction of Manfred Cordes 
(CPO 777 820-2, 2013)
3. Joan Pau Pujol (1570 – 1626)
– Magnificat a 4 primi toni
Exaudi Nos under the direction of Joan Grimalt 
(Columna Musica 1CM0184, 2008)
4. Francesco Corteccia (1502 – 1571)
– Tu puer propheta Altissimi
Le Concert Spirituel under the direction of Hervé Niquet 
(Glossa GCDSA 921623, 2012)
5. Michael Praetorius (1571 – 1621)
– Veni Redemptor Gentium
Bremer Barock Consort under the direction of Manfred Cordes 
(CPO 777 327-2, 2007)
6. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (around 1525 – 1594)
– Ad te domine levavi animam meam
The Sixteen under the direction of Harry Christofers 
(Coro COR16114, 2013)
7. William Byrd (1540 – 1623)
– From Gradualia Book 1 (1605): Rorate caeli a 5
The Cardinall’s Musick under the direction of Andrew Carwood 
(ASV GAU 170, 1997)
8. Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562 – 1621) 
– Angelus ad pastores ait, SwWV 185
Gesualdo Consort under the direction of Harry van der Kamp 
(Glossa GES 922406-NL, 2010)
9. Jacobus Clemens non Papa (around 1510 – 1555) 
– Pastores loquebantur
Orlando Consort 
(Harmonia Mundi HMU 907418, 2006)
10. Tomás Luis de Victoria (around 1548 – 1611) 
– Quem vidistis pastores
Capella De Ministrers under the direction of Carles Magraner 
(Licanus CDM 1130, 2012)
11. Michael Praetorius
– In dulce jubilo
Bremer Barock Consort under the direction of Manfred Cordes 
(CPO 777 327-2, 2007)
Painting: Annunciation by Nicolas Poussin (1657)

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