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“Continuous Movement”


A non-stop mix of ambient soundscapes, experimental electronics and modern classical music.

  • 00:00 DreamScenes – Intro (Susanna)
  • 00:43 Radboud Mens – Modular (edit)
    Movement, 2022, ERS
  • 03:55 Erik Mowinckel – This Is Where I Am
    Contours, 2022, Kizen Records
  • 07:25 Jacaszek, Romke Kleefstra, Jan Kleefstra – It Deel (*)
    It Deel I, 2022, Moving Furniture Records
  • 12:08 James Murray – Careful Now
    Careful Now, 2022, Home Normal
  • 17:05 Christina Vantzou, Michael Harrison, John Also Bennett – Harp Of Yaman
    Christina Vantzou, Michael Harrison and John Also Bennett, 2022, Séance Centre
  • 20:59 Erlend Apneseth – Gravsong
    Nova, 2022, Hubro
  • 23:27 John Luther Adams – Sila The Breath Of The World (fragment)
    Sila The Breath Of The World, 2022, Cantaloupe Music
  • 26:51 Pinkcourtesyphone – But It Felt – In Other Dreams (edit)
    Shouting At Nuance, 2022, Helen Scarsdale
  • 32:50 Matthew Florianz – Van Ons
    Mist Schimmen, 2022, Self-Released
  • 37:43 Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto – Veru 2 (fragment)
    Revep (Remaster), 2006/2022, Noton
  • 40:25 Vagantpoesie – Intonate (edit)
    Onomatopoeia, 2022, Shimmering Moods
  • 43:13 Madeleine Cocolas – Presence
    Spectral, 2022, Room40
  • 47:54 Kenneth Kirschner – January 7 – VI, 2022 (edit)
    January 7, 2022, 2022, Self-released
  • 50:23 Joachim Spieth – Flow
    Flow, 2022, Affin
  • 56:34 Radboud Mens – Conversion (edit)
    Continuous, 2022, ERS
  • 59:07 DreamScenes – Outro (Dean Hurley)


(*) It Deel:

Twa hannen wêr’t noch mei boarte is

gryp nea samar om dy hinne

yn de keale tûken krekt
njonken myn flecht

in dearinnend paed
in bytsje moas
op it stien

it bloed út dyn fingers
griis tsjin de wangen

twa ierdske lippen

it winter wêzen

Two hands that were once used for playing

never blindly grope around you

in the bare branches just
beside my flight

a dead-end path
a little moss
on the stones

the blood from your fingers
grey against the cheeks

two earthly lips

being winter


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