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sun 19 may 2024 16:00 hour

Aleksandr Lokshin’s flowers of evil.

Aleksandr Lokshin (1920-1987) faced consistent obstruction from the Soviet authorities from the time of his first composition, ‘Les Fleurs du mal’ (1939). Inspired by Gustav Mahler, Alexander Scriabin, and Alban Berg, he continued to compose persistently in a style that reflected his humanistic concerns and engagement with social and political issues.


1)    Aleksandr Lokshin: Les fleurs du mal [comp. 1939]. Vanda Tabery (soprano); Grosses Orchester Graz conducted by Michel Swierczewski.

2)    Aleksandr Lokshin: Fantasy for violin and orchestra ‘Hungarian Fantasy’. Wolfgang Redik (violin); Grosses Orchester Graz conducted by Michel Swierczewski.

3)    Aleksandr Lokshin: Symphony no.4 ‘Sinfonia Stretta’ [comp. 1968]. Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rudolf Barshai.

4)    Aleksandr Lokshin: Variations for piano 1954, part V. [comp. 1954]. Elena Kuschnerova (piano).


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