Jordi Savall | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Jordi Savall

Series about and with Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall. Attention for his CD book Dinastia Borgia, part 2.

In 2010  was the 500th anniversary  of the birth of Francesco Borja in Gandia (Spain)  who later would be canonized. Especially for this occasion, AlivaVox released a CD-box with wordly and religious music from the days of the Borgias.
Jordi Savall collected on these three CDs earlier recordings, mainly from Andalusia and Italy.

In this episode, compositions from the heydays of the Borgia dynasty, the turbulent rule of pope Alexander VI, Rodrigo de Borgia (1431-1503), and the intrigue around his daughter Lucrezia, and the spiritual catharsis of this dynasty in the shape of saint Franciscus Borgia (1510-1572).

1. Anonymous – Un cavalier di Spagna
2. Anonymous – Fortuna Desperata
3. Phillipus de Lurano – Donna contro la mia voglia
4. Jacob Arcadelt/Bembo – Amor la tua virtute
5. Joan Ambrosio Dalza – Pavana alla Ferrarese
6. Fernández de Oviedo – Aquí yaze en poca tierra
7. Josquin Des Prez (ca.1450-1521) – Agnus Dei (Missa Hercules Rex)
8. Jordi Savall – Fanfare
9. Lluís del Milà (1500-1560) – Fantasia I (harp)
10. Josquin Des Prez – Proch dolor
11. Christóbal de Morales – Jubilate Deo omnis terra
12. anonymous/Gandia Songbook – The Song of the Valencian Sybil

13. Anonymous – Fortuna Desperata

Montserrat Figueras, soprano. Pascal Bertin, alto. Lluís Vilamajó, tenor. Marc Mauillon, baritone. Furio Zanasi and Daniele Carnovich, bass. Hespèrion XXI & La Capella Reial de Catalunya conducted by Jordi Savall
(AliaVox AVSA 9875 B+C, 2010)

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