Composers: Anoniem | Edward Johnson | Giovanni Coperario | Henry Purcell | James Paisible | John Danyel | Orlando Gibbons | Thomas Morley | Thomas Tallis | Thomas Tollett | Thomas Tomkins | Thomas Weelkes | William Byrd | William Cobbold
A Sunday Programme in the ‘baroque spirit’. Centered around the recently released ‘English Royal Funeral Music’ CD, with royal funeral music by Purcell, Morley and Tomkins, by Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier.
Only now is it known that Purcell’s 3 Funeral Sentences were not composed for Queen Mary’s funeral in 1695, because Morley’s arrangements were sung.
The only contribution Purcell had were the 2 works for trombone, as well as the "Thou knowest, Lord" anthem that Purcell wrote in Morley’s old composing style.
The music on this CD is accompanied by English consort songs by Michael Chance with Fretwork and Cristopher Field with The Royal Wind Music, and Purcell’s Fantazias by Vittorio Ghielmi.
1. Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
– Hear my prayer
2. James Paisible
– The Queen’s Farewell
3. Thomas Tollett
– The Queen’s Farewell
4. Henry Purcell
– The Queen’s Funeral March Z. 860
‘The first dirge Anthem’
Thomas Morley
5. I am the resurrection and the life
6. I know that my Redeemer liveth
7. We brought nothing into this world
Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier with the cooperation of Les Trompettes des Plaisirs en Lingua Franca
(RIC 332, 2013)
8. John Danyel (1564-ca.1626)
– Can doleful notes?
9. John Coprario (ca.1570-1626)
– Fortune and Glory
10. Thomas Tallis (ca.1505-1585)
– When shall my sorrowful sighing slack
11. Anonymous
– Farewell the bliss
The Royal Wind Music led by Paul Leenhouts. Christopher Field, countertenor. Israel Golani, lute. Matthias Havinga, organ. Johan Hofmann, virginal
(Lindoro MPC-0118, 2004)‘The second dirge Anthem’
Thomas Morely
12. Man that is born of a woman
13. In the midst of life
Henry Purcell
14. Thou knowest, Lord, Z. 58b
15. Canzona Z. 860
‘The third dirge Anthem’
16. Thomas Morley
– I heard a voice from heaven
Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier (photo on the right) with the cooperation of Les Trompettes des Plaisirs and Lingua Franca
(RIC 332, 2013)
Henry Purcell
17. Fantazia 11th of June 1680
18. Fantazia of three parts
19. Fantazia 19th of June 1680
Vittorio Ghielmi, pardessus/discant gamba. Il Suonar Parlante
(W&W 910134-2, 2008)
‘Lament and Elegy’
Thomas Weelkes
20. Death hath deprived me
21. A Sad Pavan for these distracted Times
‘Burial Sentences’
Thomas Tomkins
22. I am the resurrection and the life
23. I know that my Redeemer liveth
24. We brought nothing into this world
25. I heard a voice from heaven
Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier with the cooperation of Guy Penson, virginal
(RIC 332, 2013)
26. Anonymous
– In Paradise
27. Edward Johnson
– Eliza is the fairest Queen
28. William Cobbold
– Ye mortal wights
29. William Byrd
– Fair Britain Isle
30. Orlando Gibbons
– What is our life?
Jeremy Budd, soprano. Michael Chance, countertenor. Fretwork
(VC 5450072, 1993)
31. Henry Purcell
– O dive custos Z. 504
‘Funeral Sentences’
Henry Purcell
32. Man that is born of a woman Z. 27
33. In the midst of life Z. 17a
34. Thou knowest, Lord Z. 58c
35. Remember not, Lord, our offences Z. 50
Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier
(RIC 332, 2013)