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sat 11 may 2024 14:00 hour

During this episode of Mambo we will focus on ‘Son Muntuno’, a sub genre of Cuban music.

‘Son Muntuno’ is developed by Arsenio Rodrigues (pictured above). From the late 1930s, this composer and innovator infused Cuban ‘son’ with more African elements. Rodriguez gave way to African-style call and response and instrumental solos, known as ‘montuno’. This, along with the rhythmic accompaniment of the solos, became known as ‘Son Montuno’.

‘Son Montuno’ is generally considered a significant element of Cuban music and is seen as the foundation for many Cuban dance styles and salsa.

This 59th episode of Mambo will feature various Cuban, Puerto Rican and New York artists performing ‘Son Muntuno’, including Beny More, Andy Harlow and Louie Ramirez.


1 El Reloj de Pastora
Arsenio Rodriguez
2 Soy del Monte
Beny More
3 Oye me Son Montuno
Yoyo Casteleiro
4 Changüi Pa’ Mi Gente
Gruppo Asere
5 El Primer Montuno
Gruppo Andy Harlow
6 Ahora Me Da Pena
Gruppo Henry Fiol
7 Chonqui
Willie Colon
8 Chi Chi
Edsel Juliet & Orquesta Saljuco
9 Donde esta tu Montuno
10 Cumaye Bembe
Louie Ramirez & Latin Boogaloo
11 Con La Espuela
Charanga Rubalcaba
12 Montuno Alegre
Conjunto Cubanismo
13 Mi Montuno
Eddie Palmieri & Cal T’jader

Produced by:
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