Missa etcetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa etcetera

Religious music. Features this hour: three parts of the Passion pasticcio ‘Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt’ with music by Georg Philipp Telemann, Carl Heinrich Graun and probably Johann Sebastian Bach. The music was compiled in 1750 by Johann Christoph Farlau, who was a student of Bach’s pupil and son-in-law Johann Christoph Altnikol.

Carl Heinrich Graun (1704-1759) / Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) / Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)?
Passion pasticcio ‘Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt’
1. First part
2. From the second part:
– Koraal “Da man hatt’ zur Vesperzeit” (Bach?)
– Koor “Der Gerechte komt um” (Bach?)
– Koraal “Da der Tag sein Ende nahm” (Bach?)
– Koor ‘Zu meinem Heil, zur Glaubensstärke” (Graun)
– Koraal “O hilf, Christa, Gottes Sohn” (Bach?)
Performed by: Ágnes Kovács, soprano, Péter Bárány, countertenor, Zoltán Megyesi, tenor. Purcell Choir and Orfeo Orchestra conducted by György Veshegyi
(CD label: Clossa no. GCD 924011)

Charles-Joseph Van Helmont (1715-1790)
3. Fuga prima
Performed by: Nicolas Achten, organ
(CD label: Ricercar no. RIC454)

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