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On Cloud Nine

thu 23 mar 2023 21:00 hour

Profane music from all parts of Europe. Two polyphonists from the Franco-Flemish school in this episode: Johannes Ockeghem and Johannes Touront, with some borrowed works from Johannes Cornago. And for dessert, Les Basses Réunies playing a cello concerto by Vivaldi.


Johannes Ockeghem (1410?-1497)
1 Fors seulement l’actente que je meure
2 Tant fuz gentement resjoy
3 Malheur me bat
4 Qu’es mi vida preguntays
5 Departez vous
6 Baissiez moi dont fort
The Medieval Ensemble of London conducted by Peter and Timothy Davies
(CD Johannes Ockeghem, Complete Secular Music CD2. Editions de l’Oiseau-lyre, 436 195-2 BA 927, 1993)

Johannes Tourout (1450?-1475?)
7 Adieu mon amour, adieu mon joye
8 O generosa nata David
9 Mais ce que se fut secretement
10 Fors seulement
11 Mon oeuil lamente
Cappella Mariana conducted by Vojtĕch Semérad
(cd Portrait of an Imperial Cantor – Johannes Tourout, Passacaille PAS 1124, 2022)

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
12 Concerto for cello and string orchestra RV.424 in B minor

I Allegro non molto
II Largo
III Allegro
13 From Concerto for cello and string orchestra RV.421 in A minor: III Allegro
Les Basses Réunies conducted by Bruno Cocset, cello
(CD Concerti – Antonio Vivaldi, Agogique AGO016, 2013)

Thanks to Muziekweb.

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