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On Cloud Nine

thu 25 apr 2024 21:00 hour

Profane music: dances, songs, instrumental. In today’s episode: ensembles and soloists. Rennaisance instruments the archlute and viola da gamba are juxtaposed with sixteenth-century folk music and a court dance.

Allessandro Piccinini (1566-1638):
1 Toccata cromatica XII
2 Corrente IX
3 Gagliarda I
4 Corrente I
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger (ca. 1580-1651):
5 Gagliarda 12a
Pietro Paolo Melli (1579-1623):
6 Corrente detta La Bartola
Bor Zuljan, archlute
(CD Gesualdo, Il liute del Principe, Ricercar RIC 434, 2022)

Anonymous (16th century):
7 Dolce amoroso folcho
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger:
8 O fronte serena
Bernaldino Passaro (16th century?):
9 Tu sai la cornacchia
Anonymous (16th century):
10 Beddha ci dormi
11 Tarantella finale
Oni Wytars Ensemble
(CD Pentameron, Legends, magic and love in music at the time of The tale of tales. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 19075908822, 2019)

Marin Marais (1656-1728):
12. Suite d’un goût étranger
– I Marche Tartare
– II Allemande
– IV La Tartatine
– V Gavotte
– VI Fête champestre
Robin Pharo, viola da gamba. Ensemble près de votre oreille
(CD Suite d’un goût étranger, Marin Marais, Château de Versailles Spectacles CVS046)

Lambert de Beaulieu (?- after 1587):
13 Le Balet Comique de la Royne: part I, part II, part XVII
Ensemble Elyma conducted by Gabriel Garrido
(CD Girard (Lambert) de Beaulieu, Le Balet Comique de la Royne, K617080, 1998)

14 Galliarde
Bor Zuljan, archlute
(CD Gesualdo, Il liute del Principe)


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