Sensenta | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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sun 26 nov 2023 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 376: No first class or second class citizens.

0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. Sinéad O’Connor – War / FourPlay String Quartet, Inga & Paul Serlies – Languid, yet…
1992 SNL live performance / Digital Manipulation (The Fourplay Remix Project, 2001, Smart Pussy Records

2. Jon Hassell – Darbari Bridge
Maarifa Street (Magic Realism 2), 2005, NYEN

3. Flin van Hemmen – Heels Rise
You Can Know Where The Bombs Fell, 2021, Neither/Nor Records

4. Robert Takahashi Crouch – Limbo Town
A Gradual Accumulation of Ideas Becomes Truth, 2016, Line

5. UHUSHUHU – Chashchöba
Zvirat, 2023, Zoharum

6. Steve Roach – Night Flower
Sanctuary of Desire, 2023, Timeroom Editions

7. Alfred Schnittke – Collected Songs Where Every Verse is Filled With Grief
Kronos Quartet – Early Music (Lachrymaæ Antiquæ), 1997, Nonesuch

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