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Tangos Despreciados

Episode 25 of Tangos Despreciados, a tango program by Richard Frisart and Chris Zaal. Today, focusing on the De Caro school, the Decarismo: complex, avant-garde music, which isn’t always easy music to dance to.

The music movement initiated by De Caro is best described as the evolutionary school of tango music, because talented, emerging musicians like Cobián, Maffia, Laurenz, Ortiz, Vardaro, Troilo, and Pugliese didn’t merely obediently follow De Caro, but continued to develop and innovate tango music.

  1. Arrabal, Orq. Pedro Laurenz, 1937
  2. Abandono, Orq. Pedro Laurenz canta Héctor Farrel, 1937
  3. Boedo, Sexteto Julio de Caro, 1928
  4. Flores negras, Sexteto Julio de Caro, 1927
  5. Ladrón, Sexteto Juan Carlos Cobián c. Francisco Fiorentino, 1928
  6. Taconeando, Orq. Pedro Maffia canta Francisco Fiorentino, 1931
  7. El distinguido ciudadano, OT Los provincianos, dir Ciriaco Ortiz, 1932
  8. Tigre Viejo, Sexteto Elvino Vardaro, 1933
  9. Un lamento, Quinteto Los Virtuosos, 1936
  10. El Tirabuzón, Quinteto Los Virtuosos, 1936
  11. Tinta verde, Orq. Anibal Troilo, 1938
  12. Mala pinta, Orq. Osvaldo Pugliese, 1944
  13. El arranque, Orq. Osvaldo Pugliese, 1944
  14. Pelele, Orq. Alfredo Gobbi, 1950
  15. Sueño azul, Orq. Horacio Salgán, 1955
  16. Decarísimo, Astor Piazzolla, 1961


Sexteto Vardaro-Pugliese, the famous avant-garde sextet of which there are no recordings. With Osvaldo Pugliese on piano and Elvino Vardaro on violin.


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