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The Night: Contemporary Music

thu 4 apr 2024 02:00 hour

Contemporary Music Night #145 | Wandelweiser #42.
The Hundred-and-Forty-fifth two-weekly Contemporary Music Night on Concertzender with tonight episode Fourty-Two of a long series with all the published records of the Edition Wandelweiser label in chronological order from 1996 till now.
Tonight The first five releases from 2023.

   Felix Profos | Peter Conradin Zumthor

1. Felix Profos / Peter Conradin Zumthor. Grund (2021).  39:37
Felix Profos: harmonium, bontempi pop3. Peter Conradin Zumthor: bass drum, gong, bells, snare.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2301
   Anthony Donofrio

These Calm Words.
2. Anthony Donofrio. These Calm Words (2021). 1:12:15
Anthony Donofrio: vibraphone.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2302
   Danya Pilchen

Two Songs. Anne, Germaine, Koen, Seamus, Danya.
3. Danya Pilchen. Song 1. 22:28
4. Danya Pilchen. Song 1. 25:10
Anne la Berge: flute. Germaine Sijstermans: clarinet. Seamus Cater: harmonica. Koen Nutters: double bass. Danya Pilchen: piano.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2303

 Dante Boon

5. Dante Boon. Ruht nicht aus (2015). 3:21
Marianne Schuppe: voice, piano.
6. Dante Boon. Lied (je Slaapt) (2012). 15:19
Dante Boon: toy piano, various objects, voice, piano
7. Dante Boon. Duo (Guitar) (2018). 14:29
Rene Holtkamp: guitar.
8. Dante Boon. Duo: Table & Books (2020). 12:30
Dante Boon: toy piano, various objects, voice, piano. Sytske van der Ster: various objects, voice.
9. Dante Boon. 20 / 21 (2021). 9:12
Dante Boon: toy piano, various objects, voice, piano. Antoine Beuger: whistling.
10. Dante Boon. Alone (2021). 7:52
Sasha Elina: voice.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2304
   Rubén Turba | Minami Saeki

The Gift.
11. Rubén Turba. The Gift (2020) Realization 1-13. 1:15:03
Minami Saeki: voice, viola, objects. Rubén Turba: amplified surfaces, electronics, recordings.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2305
All further information can be found on

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