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The Night: World Music

International interplay. In this night, you will be introduced to musicians that chose to cooperate with musicians from elsewhere.


1-The-Folk-MessengersThe Folk Messengers play an explosive music mix, which is a metting between the French Ballfolk tradition and jazz improvisation, decorated with a good dose of groove and funky rhythm. The trio consists of Camille Passeri on trumpet and bugle, Simone Bottasso on melodeon and Antony Jambon on guitar. All three are talented French-Italian musicians.  They debuted last year with ‘All for One’, containing ten original songs. The beautiful performance of Richard Galliano’s ‘Spleen’ is especially notable.


Cd. ‘All For One’ by The Folk Messengers.  Label | Video


2-Slang-and-ChatterjeeSlang & Purbayan Chatterjee.

On their 5th record, the Belgian trio Slang welcomes the Indian musician Purbayan Chatterjee. Slang had met Pyrbayan during the recording of his second record, ‘Whisper of the East’, in 2012. That meeting prompted Slang to tour India in 2013 – 2014. This record contains five original compositions, two for sitar: ‘Run’ (with Santana-style electric guitar) and ‘Pace of Mind’. Slang’s contributions are ‘Apu Trilogy’ en ‘Karmasutra’They also play a song together: ‘Oye’. All recorded on traditional instruments.


Cd. ‘Pace of Mind’ door Slang & Purbayan Chatterjee. Label: Slang / Zig Zag World (2015). Distribution: XANGO Music. Video


The band Khiyo is namend after a letter in the Beghali alphabet. It is a unique letter: it’s a combination of two others, yet has it’s own identity. This also goes for Khiyo’s members. They come from the Western classical, rock, jazz and blues worlds. Singer Sohini Alam draws on the musical tradition of her mother and grandmother. With that tradition, Khiyo plays song that were written over the ages by roaming Bengal troubadours.


Cd. ‘Bengali Music with A London Sound’ by the trio Khiyo. Label: Arc Music (2015), code: EUCD-2581. Video

4-Bixiga70Bixiga 70.

Bixiga is a neighbourhood in São Paulo that was colonized by Italian migrants hundred years ago. Today, all the evidence that remains are the names of the residents and the many Italian restaurants. The neighbourhood is sprawling with nightlife, cultural centers and shops. that make it one of the most exciting and varied artistic neighbourhoods in Brasil. Bixiga 70 added the number 70 to their name to remember Feli Kuti’s band Africa 70 – but 70 is also their former house number. With this third album, Bixiga wants to show the connection between Brasil and West-Africa. The 10-part band represents the African music scene through afro beat, funk and jazz, combined with their native styles of their mother country and the traditional repertoire of South-Africa, like samba, salsa and cumbia.

Cd. Bixiga 70. Label: Glitterbeat (2015), code: GBCD-026. Distribution: XANGO Music. Video

5-Tango-AliadoTango Aliado.

Whirling tango’s by Astor Piazzolla and restrained milonga’s by old masters like Carlos Gardel, Anibal Troilo and Pedro Laurenz. Un Abrazo is an embrace. Listen to this beatiful music by the Amsterdam quartet Tango Aliado – professional musicians brought together by their love for tango music.

Cd. ‘Un Abrazo’ by Tango Aliado. Label: (2014), code: FVF2014.


The well-praised Romanian, German, and Turkish-Dutch band Arifa introduces three singers on this album: one Chinese, one Iranian, and one Bulgarian, each with a traditional stringed instrument. The three singing traditions blend perfectly with Afifa’s mix of several Eastern styles. Since their start in 2010, the group has received international praise for the Oriental music, embellished with elements of Balkan music and Jazz.

Cd. ‘Arifa & Voices of the East’. Label: Buda Musique (2015), code: ref.860278. Distribution: XANGO Music. Video

7-Epistola-Souza-PascalCarmen Souza & Theo Pascal.

Epistola is the Greek/Latin for letter, and the message contained in every letter. Carmen Souza, a Portugese/Cape Verdean singer, blends warm-blooeded Capeverdian rhythm with the freedom and melancholy of jazz. Essential for her succes is her collaboration with the Portugese Theo Pascal, one of the best bass players active in the jazz and world music scenes.


Cd. ‘Epistola’ door Carmen Souza & Theo Passcal. Label: Galilea Music / Music & Words (2015), code GMC064. Video

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