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Solta a Franga

sun 1 jan 2017 00:00 hour

2016: Flashback A party without borders! Mixed by DJs Safri, Socrates, Bertú, Rafadelic, Goldfinger and others.

The whole night a party without borders! With the best records of 2016 acoording to DJ BertúDJ SafriDJSocratesDJ RafadelicDr. Goldfinger and others. Solta a Franga has been at the Concertzender every Friday night at 23:00 since 2009, for the lovers of exotic dance music. Under the subtitle ‘a party without borders’, DJ’s mix funky Afrobeat, popping BalkanBeats, hot Latin grooves, compelling Oriental and other styles. From obscure crackling records from long ago to the latest releases.

The year again comes to close with a night of Solta a Franga. In the night of Friday 30 December to 31 December, the in-house DJs live mix their favourite records and latest discoveries of this year. The in-house crew consists of DJs Safri, Bertú, Socrates, Rafadelic and Goldfinger and is for the occasion complemented with guest DJs. Usually the DJs just play their music, but tonight they give short interviews. You can also follow the live stream on Facebook (found on the Solta a Franga facebook pag)

Time schedule (subject to reservations):

00:00 DJ Bertú

01:00 DJ Socrates
02:00 DJ Safri
03:00 DJ Rafadelic
04:00 DJ Goldfinger
05:00 DJ Tommi a.k.a. Cafe de Calaveras

06:00 DJ Solo Moderna

Repeat of 30 December 2016. Playlists will be published after the broadcast.

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