The soundworld of Stijn Demeulenaere.
01. Thats it for tonite. 4:48.
02. Intro Stijn Demeulenaere. 2:21.
03. Zuidfoor comes to town. 6:40
04. Rekbaar Porselein. 9:00.
05. Rebellious Hounds. 2:44.
06. Nothing’s going to happen to us… +/- 3/4 min.
07. Murmer. +/- 3/4 min.
08. Sense of 61. 7:54.
09. Neerpede Pond. 4:00.
10. Munch Munch. 4:18.
11. Frog chorus Lacke Flacksjon. 5:38.
12. A fading thunderstorm at the Pink Canyon in Leconi. 7:07.
13. Down in the Bassin. 8:29.
14. Latitudes. (september 2016) 24:40.
15. Soundtracks (tekst).
16. Thielemans X Demeulenaere. 5:59.
17. Aerial Movement. 3:44.
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