Thou singest ye carol | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Thou singest ye carol

sun 25 dec 2022 11:00 hour
Composer: Gian Carlo Menotti

‘Amahl and the night visitors’

Gian-Carlo Menotti

This Christmas morning, I would like to make an exception and not play any songs but let a story be told. Set to music as an operetta by the American-Italian composer Menotti. Very evocative and atmospheric. It was written in 1951 for a TV broadcast and has been incredibly popular for years. Please take a moment to listen. You can find the whole story in the playlist.

Playlist :

  1. Gian Carlo Menotti – ‘Amahl and the Night Visitors'(1951)

Ike Hawkersmith (boy soprano) Amahl
Kirsten Gunlogson (mezzo-soprano) Mother

Dean Anthony (tenor) King Kaspar
Todd Thomas (baritone) King Melchior
Kevin Short (bass-baritone) King Balthasar
Bart Lefan (baritone) Page
Nashville Symphony Chorus
Chicago Symphony Chorus
Nashville Symphony Orchestra


Alastair Willis
George Mabry


2. Gian-Carlo Menotti – ‘Adagio’ from : Violin Concerto in a clef.
Jennifer Koh, violin. Spoleto Festival Orchestra. Richard Hickox, conductor. (excerpt)

The story takes place around the birth of Christ in Judea. 12-year-old Amahl is disabled – one of his legs is paralysed, so he can only move with a crutch he made himself. Amahl has a great imagination and sometimes tells lies. It is evening, Amahl sits in front of his house and plays the flute. His mother, a poor widow, calls him to the house. The boy does not immediately follow, so the mother goes out and fetches him. When asked what else is so exciting at night, Amahl tells of a big star with a tail. The mother – used to his stories – doesn’t believe him and worries about the future. Finally, the mother and son go to bed.


Then the Three Kings (Kaspar, Melchior, Balthasar) appear. They are on their way to Bethlehem with their page. They pass the widow’s cottage and knock on the door. Amahl is asked by his mother to go to the door. When he tries to explain to her that there are three kings outside, the mother does not believe him and becomes angry. When she finally goes to the door herself, she first flinches, frightened, and then invites the three kings in. They hope to find shelter for the night. While the mother goes into the forest to find firewood, Amahl talks to the kings and asks what they are all carrying. When the mother returns, she sends Amahl to find other shepherds so they can bring something to eat and receive the kings with dignity. Meanwhile, she admires the gifts the kings want to get to a newborn child. The shepherds come, present their gifts and dance for the kings. Then they say goodbye, and everyone in the shepherd’s hut prepares for sleep.

While the kings sleep, the mother cannot rest and even tries to steal a piece of gold for herself and her child. The page catches her stealing, and there is a big riot. The mother tells her that the gold is for her son because he has no future. King Melchior calms the situation and tells the mother she can keep the gold. The child they are looking for doesn’t need any gold. Amalh stands up for his mother and offers to give the unknown child his crutch, the only valuable thing he has. A miracle happens when he hands it over to the kings: Amahl can walk normally. The overjoyed mother then has her son accompany the kings to the manger.

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