Wandering through the Renaissance | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Wandering through the Renaissance

Programme with Renaissance music. Music from Cancionero del Duc de Calabria, early recordings of The Consort of Musicke, and music for cornetto.

1. From the Cancionero del Duc de Calabria.
Pere Jean Almodár.
– Ah leayo que desmayo.
– Ay luna que reluzes.
– Gozate Virgen.
Mateu Flexta.
– Que farem del pobre Joán.
– Un nino nos est nacido.
La Capella Reial led by Jordi Savall.
2. Modena.
– Ricercare 10.
– Ricercare 14 Da pacem Domine.
From the Claude Gervaise Collection:
– Branle simple 22.
– Branle de Bourgogne 23.
– Branle de Bourgogne 17.
Hespèrion XX led by Jordi Savall.
3. Hans Leo Hassler.
– Chiara e lucente stella.
– Vivan sempre i pastori.
Jakob Hassler.
– Lasso ch’i ardo.
Orazio Vecchi.
– So ben mi ch’a bon tempo.
– Della mia cruda sorte.
The Consort of Musicke.
4. Palestrina.
– Introduxit me rex.
– Pavana El bisson.
De Gorzanis.
– Gagliarda La barca d’amore.
De Rore.
– Non è che il duol mi scemi.
Doron David Sherwin, conetto. Andrea Marcón, organ and harpsichord.

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