Wandering through the Renaissance | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Wandering through the Renaissance

Programme with Renaissance music. Music from Spain and Italy.

1. Four madrigals.
Cyprien de Rore.
– Per mezz’i boschi.
Luca Marenzio.
– Cantava la più vaga.
Giacomo Gastoldi.
– A lieta vita.
Francesco Orso.
– A canta nova.
The Consort of Musicke led by Anthony Rooley.
2. Music at Spanish courts in the 15th century.
– Marcha Turca.
– Toccata.
– Dinos, madre del donsel.
Guillaume Dufay.
– Je ne vis oncques.
La Capella Reial de Catalunya led by Jordi Savall.
3. Spanish music from the Dutch Golden Age (ca.1550-1650).
– Ensalada: Corten espadas afiladas.
Antonio de Cabezón.
– Tiento no. 3.
Juan Vasquez.
– De los álamos vengo.
– Sonet no. 13.
Montserrat Figueras, soprano. Hespèrion XX led by Jordi Savall.
4. Matthias Werrecore.
– La battaglia Italiana.
The Consort of Musicke led by Anthony Rooley.

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