Nog een kans om in ons programma Hard Bop Boulevard werk te horen van de helaas jong overleden trompettist Booker Little.
Zoals vele tijdgenoten, is Little’s spel natuurlijk geworteld in de bebop van Clifford Brown, maar Little wordt gezien als de eerste trompettist om een eigen stijl te hebben gecreëerd. Uit een interview die in de liner notes van de LP "Eric Dolphy at The Five Spot" (Prestige 7611):
"I think the emotional aspect of music is the most important…. Those who have no idea how classical music is constructed are definitely at a loss – it’s a definite foundation…. I can’t think in terms of wrong notes – in fact, I don’t hear any notes as being wrong. It’s a matter of knowing how to integrate the notes and, if you must, resolve them…. I’m interested in putting sounds against sounds and I’m interested in freedom also. But I have a respect for form…. In my own work I’m particularly interested in the possibilities of dissonance. If it’s a consonant sound, it’s going to sound smaller. The more dissonance, the bigger the sound. It sounds like more horns; in fact, you can’t always tell how many there are. And your shadings can be more varied. Dissonance is a tool to achieve these things."
Hard Bop Boulevard, dinsdag 26 augustus, 15.30-16.00