The first episode of Prone To Resonance will be broadcast on Thursday, October 12th at 11:00 PM.
The Prone To Resonance Field Recording Project – as it is called in full – is all about recording everyday sounds for the future. Compiler Harrold Roeland made a recording somewhere outside for several days, and then put it together into a collage at the end of the month. New music emerges from this collage.
In the forthcoming series, Harrold Roeland will go through the sound of the whole of 2023.
The first episode covers January and February, the second March and April, and so on. We hear seasons coming and going, toiling train wheels, rain and wind, passing mop orchestras and Extinction Rebellion demonstrations. And so much more. A celebration of the listening ear.
Click here for the first broadcast of Prone To Resonance.